Wednesday, January 4

Goal #1: Clean up my face!

Last night, Mr. Perla was a bit tuckered out so he went to bed quite early. So I continued to play Animal Crossing until I got my little lighthouse from the turtle mayor. (Yes, as I describe the activities of my previous evening, I begin to realize how incredibly dorky I am.) But after I'd finished my AC game, I stared in at the snoozing adorable boy shaped lump in our bed and I could no longer resist. (Note how I attribute this to him! I'M SCOTT FREE o' Blame!) So I washed my face again with my new Clinque trio. (Side note #3: It makes my lips burn or well tingle hotly when I use the soap. I might have to use some moisturizing balm to counter this.) Now, back to my previous tangent, so I crawled into bed with the boy lump and went to sleep at 8 p.m. (Yes, I'm a dork, I know!) And I slept quite soundly only to wake up at midnight, rather rested and not quite that sleepy. But I perservered and slept more only to wake up a little less than an hour later. By this point, my skin was feeling "oily" and I was starting to freak. So I used the toner once more and gave each of the three nasty red blob a good cleaning before noticing a FOURTH?!? What the crap?! I was a bit disappointed and went back to bed to sleep until 2:15 a.m. By then the boy lump was up again and realized his folly because now he'd once again be tired because of a lack of sleep once again. Oh how we create our own woe! I willed myself on and off to sleep until finally the alarm rang. I got up and went potty while I chuckled over my dream that started about being a Brady Bunch spoof and ended up with me as a rather sexy Jan Brady making out with Brian from Queer As Folk. Somehow the power of Brady turned very gay Brian into "very straight" Brian who enjoy making out with Jan in the middle fo the street in suburbia. Damn, I can't stay on my point today! Whatever so I was pleased to see this morning that not only are the three nasty red blobs on the retreat but the rest of my skin sans dry lips are improving! Woot! Now get me some moisturizing lip gloss cause it's time to make out with Brian!


Blogger JennyUsagi said...

Yay! Good going! :D

11:58 AM  

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