Tuesday, November 9

Blogs from the Road//Aunt OrLEENs

Originally uploaded by mrsjack.
N.O. reminds me of that eccentric auntie that you love and no one in the family quite understands but you do. And she brightens your life, gives you a new perspective on life with her stories of adventure, and touches your heart with her spirit. N.O. did that for me. I admired how the people so easily accept each other regardless of how weird or bizarre they are and then take it a step beyond that and find their similarities. They might not have the answers to all the big questions of life but they realize that that with everyone’s help they can either find the answers or at least have a good time.

So I thank my aunt OrLEENs for teaching me so much and I hope that your spirit breathes through me until the next time we meet. And auntie, don’t change a bit cause you’re perfect as you are!


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