Every once in awhile..I'm just not sure..
This weekend another picture perfect example, of why I don't like one person in particular very much, floated to the surface. I don't understand why she can only feel superior when she's able to command a certain older man to do her biding. And why I am constantly compelled to be outraged by behavior that has been documented for far longer than I've known her. I'm just not sure why we have to repeat this drama, be it in a different city, town or mood. Why?
What is the sick fun that these two individuals derive from repeating the same unstable and bizarre routine? I don't understand unhealthy relationships, which I suppose is a good thing, but what confuses me most is why I'm always finding other people in them?
What is the sick fun that these two individuals derive from repeating the same unstable and bizarre routine? I don't understand unhealthy relationships, which I suppose is a good thing, but what confuses me most is why I'm always finding other people in them?