Wednesday, February 22

Returnith - 4. Send Valentines! DONE...kinda!

I'm back. After far too long away from my blog, I returnith. Returnith isn't a real word but it makes my return seem so much more dramatic, no? Well where was I? I was busy, bust at work. Busy getting together a large meeting and now it's complete. It was a grand success and for that I'm grateful. But I'm enthusiastically charged about the fact it's over and over means I can relax. And relax = good.

1. Clean My Face
Last week all the stress, gave me two large zits. Yuck but they too shall pass thanks to dilligent cleaning. I'm really surprised that I've been able to keep up with this as long as I have. I'm not certain that my face is back to the way I used to remember it but it is undoubtedly better than it was at the beginning of the year.

3. Lose Weight
I've been keeping track of my points on a daily basis. Monday was a bit tough because I'm not at a computer all day thus not likely to log on and do my points. But I did nonetheless and I'm glad. I can get so tired and yet I did it anyway. Even though my mind/negative spirit didn't want to. And sticking with the program has seemed to help. I lost a pound last week, 2.5 pounds the week before, etc for a total of 7 pounds total. I'd like to keep my weekly loss to a pound a week. I'm not sure that's possible but it'd certainly be nice.

4. Send Valentines!
DONE...kinda! Because I was so busy running around trying to finish up my big meeting for work. I completely neglected this wish and but it on the back burner until finally it was Feb. 14th. So in a last minute ditch effort not to stop/fail a goal I sent out a quickie email to everyone I knew. It wasn't what I dreamed of doing. No I dreamed of looking up everyone's addresses and sending them home-made Martha Stewart-esque valentine postcards, but I sent of cheapy emails instead. I think the sentiment is all that counts and my mom and family were rather surprised. While I'd still like to randomly mail out some attractive postcards, it'll be a project for the summer, I think.

Now I need a new goal and I think I have just the one.

5. Start walking.
These ladies at work walk every day at lunch and I promised I'd join them after the big meeting. So Saturday I bought a pair of Nikes and went out with them for a walk on Tuesday. It was nice. During the first half I thougth I might die but once I got past the midway turn it was easy. I missed having lunch with husband but I think it's a good way to get in some exercise. For the time being I'm only going to go for 2x a week. And as most who know me know, I'm a cheapskate so I'll be darned if I'm going to waste those new Nikes. I do love them so. I'll have to take pictures!

Other news: I took off Friday to rest after the big event at work. Husband and I lounged around the house and did absolutely nothing. It was more than I could have possibly imagined it to be. Saturday we went and took a tour of Scharfen Berger Chocolate Factory. It was a great tour, had a great time, got lots of free chocolate and a free dent in my CAR! Someone in the parking lot backed into my car and left NO NOTE! I'm beyond angry but that's why we have insurance. I'm trying to move on and pray that karma will take care of this one for me. Then we went out for retail therapy on 4th street then for a nice fish dinner at Spengers. Sunday, Husband's dad and brother came over and we made them dinner. It was nice to have someone over to our "clean" house. (I sped cleaned like you wouldn't believe!) I'm glad to say they enjoyed our WW meal. I think we might need to entertain a fellow couple some time. Hmm..Monday, I got to play online with my bestest buddy. For me that was a real treat. I've been blessed with a lot of great online friends and I'm grateful. I started my wee little mage on the path to herbalism and made some in game money. Oooh money, how I love thee. ;)


Just finished watching Elizabethtown. And I learned something very important.

"Always wear a red hat to the Farmer's Market because Orlando Bloom might run up to you and make out with you."

A long overdue update later today.

Monday, February 13

Office Zen

"Sometimes when the color printer won't print what you want it to, just print what it will let you."

Monday, February 6

ZOME! I almost forgot..

I have a blog! I could have been posting a long post here instead of reading waay old posts on other blogs! poor readers!

1. Clean My Face I'm happy to report that my face is still pretty darn clean and is looking better everday. I don't have to use as much make up as I did last week. So all in all I'm quite pleased. I've still got a wee bit to do..but much closer than I was a month ago.

2. Dinner Party CASE CLOSED!

3. Lose Weight I went to WI on Saturday and I lost exactly 2 pounds! My horrible monthly visitor chimed in (side note: so glad that today might be the laaast day!) so we'll see if that makes any difference when I weigh in on Tuesday. We're going to get back on schedule. The Saturday leader was nice, still not Gretchen, but friendly and helpful. I thought it was a good and productive meeting. We went to split an omlette and walk around Farmer's Market afterwards.

4. Send Valentines! For my first fun goal, I sure haven't done anything. Jourdan showed me some law and order valentines his friend made but I'm not really looking for anything that professional. I really want something personal and home made. (a) cause it's cheaper (b) cause I think homemade shows more love and (c) cause I'm itching for another craft project!

Well off to knitting tonight!!

Thursday, February 2

2. Dinner Party : a tasty success!!

1. Clean My Face
My face is almost completely free of nasty red zits! I'm so pleased! I know this isn't the time to start slacking off on my cleaning but boy just having a fresh face every morning is a nice change of pace. I think the zit cream is really what turned the tide in my favor. ALL HAIL ZIT CREAM!! /we're not worthy!

2. Dinner Party COMPLETED! I'm so very happy to say that I've finally achieved and completed a goal. The dinner party was really fun! There was a bigger turn out than I expected and lots and lots of good food. So much food in fact that we're having another party using the leftovers this weekend. I'm grateful that Paul lent us his home and nice table along with lots and lots of dishes. What a nice way to kick off the year, no?

Jan. 28 Dinner Party

3. Lose Weight
Our WI (weigh in) was Tuesday but I came down with another bladder infection. OY! I'm just finishing the antibiotics but what a pain, literally! Needless to say, we didn't go to WI but we're going on Saturday. However, I have noticed little changes: I have more energy, my waist looks different, and food is NOW so different (e.g. Yesterday I chose not to eat some tasty little 3 Musketeers fun size bars because I knew I had better chocolate for less points at home. I never imagined I'd be such a chocolate snob. /shrug)

4. Send Valentines!
I'm thinking of sending Valentine postcards to all my friends. Need to find the paper and pattern! Finally a FUN GOAL!!

2. Dinner Party : a tasty success!!

1. Clean My Face
My face is almost completely free of nasty red zits! I'm so pleased! I know this isn't the time to start slacking off on my cleaning but boy just having a fresh face every morning is a nice change of pace. I think the zit cream is really what turned the tide in my favor. ALL HAIL ZIT CREAM!! /we're not worthy!

2. Dinner Party COMPLETED! I'm so very happy to say that I've finally achieved and completed a goal. The dinner party was really fun! There was a bigger turn out than I expected and lots and lots of good food. So much food in fact that we're having another party using the leftovers this weekend. I'm grateful that Paul lent us his home and nice table along with lots and lots of dishes. What a nice way to kick off the year, no?

Jan. 28 Dinner Party

3. Lose Weight
Our WI (weigh in) was Tuesday but I came down with another bladder infection. OY! I'm just finishing the antibiotics but what a pain, literally! Needless to say, we didn't go to WI but we're going on Saturday. However, I have noticed little changes: I have more energy, my waist looks different, and food is NOW so different (e.g. Yesterday I chose not to eat some tasty little 3 Musketeers fun size bars because I knew I had better chocolate for less points at home. I never imagined I'd be such a chocolate snob. /shrug)

4. Send Valentines!
I'm thinking of sending Valentine postcards to all my friends. Need to find the paper and pattern! Finally a FUN GOAL!!