I hate humanity and other Christmas sentiments...
So I firmly state I HATE HUMANITY! I hate someone who thinks geez I think I'll take those Netflix envelopes from that mailbox. Cause who, besides me, would enjoy watching a gay German art house flik, a Japanese hentai anime, and a British hairstyling movie? So I take meager pleasure in knowing that whoever did nab my Netflix movies and then littered the street with their remains will NOT be enjoying the fruit of their devious endeavors. ha HA!
So yeah today I'm wrapping goodies and presents for this family in need at work and I can't help but think, mr.jack and I ARE in need. I mean we're eating freaking ham sandwiches for the rest of month?? So I can't help but wonder if maybe I should chuck my job, my aspirations, and just start stealing, begging, and hoping for help. Cause at least then I can hate humanity for NOT helping me instead of hurting me.
Alas, it seems my love/hate relationship with humanity will forever float back and forth on the fence. Sometimes it's like the honeymoon stage and we can't get enough of each other and other times it's like we're in a loveless marriage that is broken beyond repair. So humanity, don't piss me off, cause I SERIOUSLY want to love you.